Soccer ministry

The newest project of Recabites is our soccer ministry. Last year we started the team Victorious FC, a team which is now competing in the 4th division of Uganda. It is now part of Recabites. We are trying to better the lives of the youth in this way, so that we can see that they develop their talents and know God. Six days a week they come together to train. They are 30 boys on average in the age of 15-27 years old. Through soccer we try to better the lives of the youth. We strive to develop their talents and share with them about our faith.

Soccer can be a great tool in sharing the Gospel. There are a lot of scriptures that talk about things like endurance, finishing the race, discipline etcetera. Through the qualities that are necessary to function well on the field, we can thus also shape the boys in their daily life. We do not train together to glorify ourselves, but to glorify the One who gave us the ability to play. By praying together before each training and match, we try to teach the boys that in everything we do we are dependent on God.

It is great to see the impact the team has had in some of the young men’s lives. Some boys have overcome addictions, others have discovered their abilities and strengths. Through training together, they have become like a family. More and more young men want to join our ministry, whether through playing soccer or behind the scenes, by medical aid, making sure the grass is cut or washing the jerseys. We will continue pouring in the boys lives through doing sports together.